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Surbiton Dental 395 Ewell Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 7DG

Dental implant (4)

Why You Should Opt For Dental Implants

Post by : admin | 19 September 2024

Losing a tooth or dealing with severe tooth decay can be a distressing experience, affecting both your oral health and confidence. With advancements in dental technology, there are several solutions available to restore your smile and function, but the decision can often feel overwhelming. Each option comes with its own set of benefits and considerations, making it important to understand which treatment aligns with your individual needs.

Having said that, when teeth become too decayed to save or have already fallen out, it’s important to quickly decide which type of dental prosthesis is best for the patient. What type of treatment should be chosen; a bridge, a partial denture, po,m>or an implant-borne prosthesis?

1. Health

Implants are artificial tooth roots. Rather than serving simply as a mount for dental prostheses, they replace the root in the most complete way possible: carrying out its functions, growing into the jaw, and supporting the masticatory apparatus.

Implants also bring a crucial advantage on account of their firm anchoring in the jaw. Bone resorption or bone loss, which normally occurs following the loss of a tooth, is minimised or even halted completely. This is because the artificial root places the same load on the jaw as the natural root before it. This ensures that normal levels of pressure are exerted when the patient chews. The jaw “understands” that bone is still needed in this spot, and resorption is discouraged.

If only a few individual teeth are affected, treatment with implants is also gentler and less invasive for the patient, since the remaining teeth do not need to be ground down. If implants were not used, the dentist would have to resort to a conventional bridge, which requires the healthy substance of neighbouring teeth to be considerably reduced. In contrast, with implants, just a single crown is required to sit on the artificial root and replace the missing tooth.

2. Appearance

Good dentures should fit into the existing dentition so well that they are indistinguishable from natural teeth – and implants offer a great basis for this. The implant neck on which the implant is placed should be scarcely visible. For the anterior teeth, implantologists are now able to use white, fully ceramic implants, so there is no risk of even the thinnest sliver of grey peeking through between the dental prosthesis and the gum.

3. Functionality

Biting, chewing, speaking, it’s not only the teeth that ensure the proper functioning of the masticatory apparatus, but the jaw as well. Biting, chewing, and speaking can all become difficult when a full denture is used, especially if bone resorption has taken place and the denture, which is held in place solely by the suction effect, is not secured as firmly as it once was. This can cause the prosthesis to become a little jerky, which results in the patient no longer having a firm bite.

With implants, things are different. The dental prosthesis is firmly anchored in the jaw, allowing even foods such as apples or steaks to be eaten without problems.

The same goes for speaking. Articulating is difficult when the dental prosthesis slips away from the palate. With implants, there’s no risk of this happening, and the patient can continue to speak as clearly and articulately as they could before.

A further advantage of implants is that bone resorption is not a concern. When bridges (and other solutions) are used, an unsightly gap can sometimes form between the dental prosthesis and the gums, since the bones recede and the previously well-fitting prosthesis slips out of position. This is not the case with implants, since the dental prosthesis is directly fixed to the artificial tooth root and optimally adjusted with regard to its position.

4. Durability and Longevity

Implants are designed to be a long-term solution, often lasting a lifetime with proper care. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, which may need periodic adjustments or replacements, implants are highly durable and resistant to wear. The materials used in implants, such as titanium for the root and porcelain for the crown, are incredibly strong and mimic the natural resilience of teeth, making them ideal for daily use.

With regular dental hygiene – brushing, flossing, and routine check-ups – patients can enjoy years of trouble-free functionality from their implants.

5. Boost in Confidence and Quality of Life

Dental implants can significantly improve your quality of life by restoring not just your smile but also your self-confidence. Missing teeth can lead to self-consciousness, avoiding certain foods, and challenges in social situations. With implants, you can smile, eat, and speak without hesitation, knowing that your teeth look and function naturally.

Many patients report feeling more confident after getting implants, as they no longer have to worry about dentures slipping or bridges causing discomfort. The psychological benefits of feeling whole again cannot be overstated, as implants offer a solution that is as close as possible to natural teeth, both in appearance and performance.

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