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Surbiton Dental 395 Ewell Road Surbiton Surrey KT6 7DG

Sarah Cheung

Sarah Cheung


Sarah, the welcoming face at the front desk of Surbiton Dental, serves as our esteemed Receptionist. Transitioning from a banking background to the dental field after starting her family, Sarah found her true calling in providing a warm and friendly first point of contact for our patients. Her journey from South London to the heart of Surbiton Dental is marked by a commitment to creating a positive and reassuring environment for everyone who walks through our doors. Sarah’s adept at fielding patient queries, particularly excelling in assisting those who are nervous about their dental visits by connecting them with the most understanding and patient-friendly dentists. Inspired by her father, Sarah’s work ethic is built on the pillars of organisation, consideration, and reliability, making her an invaluable asset to our team.

With a personal mantra that echoes Maya Angelou’s wisdom — “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it” — Sarah’s approach to life and work is deeply interconnected. Her aspirations extend beyond her professional achievements; learning to play the piano stands out as a personal goal, showcasing her desire for continuous growth and self-improvement. Her eclectic taste in entertainment, from the classic beats of ‘Saturday Night Fever’ to the charming narratives of ‘The Holiday’ and ‘Notting Hill’, mirrors the variety and vibrancy she brings to Surbiton Dental.

Outside the clinic, Sarah’s life is rich with family, culture, and adventure. Celebrating Chinese New Year has become a cherished tradition, reflecting her appreciation for family and heritage. Whether it’s exploring the serene beauty of Lake Como, dreaming of a visit to Japan, or enjoying the thrill of water jet skiing, Sarah’s passions and interests are as diverse as they are captivating.

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James was very professional, able to quickly establish rapport and provided a thorough service. As a result I felt comfortable, informed and happy to become…”


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What our patients say

Very professional and friendly. Gave me more information than I expected which answered pre existing questions that I had. Left feeling satisfied with the visit. ”


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What our patients say

Very professional and made a big effort to get me in a relaxed state after I revealed my fear of dentists.”


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What our patients say

I was extremely impressed with James, he took great care and was extremely professional. I felt that I was in good hands and I was…”


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James provided me with the best knowledge any dentist has ever been able to give to me. The appointment went extremely quick which was very…”


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Surbiton Dental 395 Ewell Road Tolworth Surbiton Surrey KT6 7DG

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